CategoryWeeky Update
I have decided to use the college now as my main location and organisation, I have had a hard time trying to think of places to use and the places I have contacted like the idea but cant due to the time frame or other complications (Full report on the locations section). I have tried...
This week is the main week I have been starting on my FMP with the pre production stage. Mostly this week I have been location planning which involved me reaching out to and communcating with companys that I would like to work with in this project. I have also written up my idea design and...
This week we where looking at mutiple things throughout the units we are preparing to get started properly on 12 (this week of writing). We looked into the FMP Preposal a bit more with nick, I think Im going to try and get that done mainly in the easter holidays since I need to finish...
So it’s been a couple of weeks now since we have come back and I thought I might as well sum it up in one post rather than trying to remember and write multiple. As in many of my last posts, things are still a bit all over the place, with Boris’s announcement it seems...
This week was a bit all over the place with 2 tutors not able to teach or away we had to double up a lot of classes with the year 1 groups. We were still working on pre-production for the news project that week but most of it was group work since tutors were jumping...
So its been a while since I last did a weekly update and a lot has changed since then, I want to say I stopped doing it because there was not that much to actually say and there wasn’t but I could make more of an effort to start doing them again even if its...
This week we where once again looking at mainly unit 11 once again with the brief and then even more directly with the advert and Foley. We also did some editing practice with nargess in which we made a music video with stock footage which I quite enjoyed apart from the technical issues. For the...
The week beginning the 2nd of November is an online week after half term, this week we looked at mainly Unit 11 items. We looked a personal statements, CV and UCAS as part of our future plans which we also discussed. The main item we did that week was probably starting the research paper with...
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