Weekly Update 1st March

This week we where looking at mutiple things throughout the units we are preparing to get started properly on 12 (this week of writing). We looked into the FMP Preposal a bit more with nick, I think Im going to try and get that done mainly in the easter holidays since I need to finish the TV prep for week in and do Unit 12 quickly to get it out the way and then I can focas on the FMP.

This week however I was mainly working on the TV Project we are making progress now, most of it is in place. I have been working long hours on the grpahics and we currently have the intro sequance, transition sequance and lower thirds done. I am still yet to finish the weather which I have started but am not happy with yet and the outro sequance which should not take long and I will continue doing during simons lessons on thursday and friday.

Nargess’s interview is still coming up in a couple of weeks but I will do that when I come to it, I need to finish this cover letter. Still lots going on but we are getting through it slowly. We are due to be in on the 22nd which is a monday so our day off so it would be the 23rd giving us 4 days to do the TV production before easter but we are going to try and get in for monday, collage allowing so we have that extra day for filming and practice.

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