FMP Show Design

SHow Name & Design

As planned before this project will be designed as the first episode of a tv series, so I needed a name that sounded good for this episode but was modular for other episodes (which I may or may not make in the future) but also for the sake of the theory.

I wanted to theme the name around the show so roles you don’t really see generally in an organization. I came up with these names and preposed them for other students and friends to see which one they liked best. These are the results:

I am quite happy with the results I think Hidden Roles: would make a great name and is very compatible with other episodes for example if I did do one with the forestry commission which I explored, Hidden Roles: The Forestry Commission. There is a lot of potentials when it comes to graphics and advertising also.

I did quite like Inside: but that was almost copying Inside The Ambulance so I’m glad we had something more original, this was the second most popular name.

Behind closed doors was the name I proposed originally for this project in year 1, I could see this one working as well. The experience was not really on my list, it was one I came up with just because I felt like I needed a range of options.

Name Change & Content (Update)

Concerns were raised over the time frame and realistic filming for the project so I had a meeting with Nick on Thursday the 29th of April. We decided to change the show slightly so the day in the life documentary was more based on the college rather than the people and the roles themselves. This will allow me to still do the follows but also do other content around the college as well such as interviews and small clips with narration. We agreed to focus more on Amersham however still might incorporate some content from other campuses to use. The idea is to go from the start to the end of the day showing the college during the day throughout areas. Because of this, the Hidden Roles name is not as fitting so I’m going to go with Inside: Bucks College Group. I said before that maybe it was not as original but its a very appropriate and was a name I liked.

With the name and development of the idea, I originally stated that I want it to be the first episode of the series and I want to continue this idea on having multiple episodes at each campus following a format such as:

  • Inside: BCG Amersham Ep1
  • Inside: BCG Amersham Ep2
  • Inside: BCG Amersham Ep3
  • Inside: BCG Aylesbury Ep4
  • Inside: BCG Aylesbury Ep5


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