I am the groups technition for the unit 10 news production which means I will have to look after the tech side and run the vison mixer (Tricater).
As part of the charity work I do with my radio station we ran an online event 6-7 march, in which we had a live youtube section. I was running the broadcasting end of this which required me to setup the stream and vision mix the content and graphics.
I was doing this from home so I dont have a tricaster (shame that) I used OBS (Open Broadcaster Software) which in itself is almost a mini tricaster interface, using the studio mode and scenes I was able to preview and push content to the live feed.

In actual fact this helped me get used to what it might be when I do the real thing in college, I had already done things like this before but not on this scale with the live feed and audiance of nearly 200 people. The stream went well and I was happy with it, I did make a mistake at the start of not unmuting my mic which confused me (online activity for you) but I was able to get it quickly back on track.
I would also say I was a bit slow to switch the scenes sometimes but taking into consideration I was also on camera and on mic hosting the stream which was another thing I had to pay attention to which I will not have to do so much in the studio.
Feedback was really good from this by the particpents and team.