Have we stopped podcasts??

For the last couple of weeks, we took the decision to take a miss on doing the podcast, for multiple reasons including missing people, tech issues, and lack of subject. I love the podcast idea and still do but doing it online is well shit honestly. I have the sound equipment and experience to record and run radio shows but im not setup for doing podcats which means I cant really record it without casing issues.

We tried recording it on OBS which worked but was not idea, I also tried other methods but they did not work out. The podcasts we have done online are ok, I have still not got around to editing them yet but thats something I will work towards for the end of the year I guess, before FMP hopefully. In person everything is just easier, you can see peoples reactions and expressions and talk about that. Its also easier to stay on topic.

So, podcasts will keep going but will we keep doing them online? I dont know.

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